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Англо-русский политический словарь - complete


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Перевод с английского языка complete на русский

1. a

1) полный

2) завершенный, законченный

complete independence

2. v

заканчивать, завершать

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См. в других словарях

  1) комплектовать || комплектный2) завершать; заканчивать || завершённый; законченный•to complete the part in one hit — полностью обрабатывать деталь с одного установа, полностью обрабатывать деталь с одного установа на станок ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. adj.  1) полный; законченный - complete set of works  2) совершенный he is a complete failure - он совершенный неудачник Syn: see entire  2. adv. coll.; see completely  3. v.  1) заканчивать, завершать - complete an agreement  2) комплектовать, укомплектовывать Syn: see finish COMPLETE an agreement заключить соглашение COMPLETE set of works полное собрание сочинений ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. полный complete set —- полный комплект complete edition of Shakespeare's works —- полное собрание сочинений Шекспира complete disarmament —- полное разоружение to spend a complete day —- потратить целый день we bought a house complete with furniture —- мы купили дом со всей обстановкой complete round —- воен. комплект артиллерийского выстрела complete operation order —- воен. полный боевой приказ complete combustion —- спец. полное сгорание complete overhaul —- тех. капитальный ремонт complete reaction —- хим. необратимая реакция 2. законченный his work is now complete —- его работа теперь завершена 3. совершенный, абсолютный complete stranger —- совершенно незнакомый человек complete fool —- круглый дурак complete master of fence —- настоящий мастер фехтования, искусный фехтовальщик complete gentleman —- безупречный джентельмен it was a complete surprise to me —- это было для меня совершенно неожиданно 4. заканчивать, завершать to complete a task —- закончить задание to complete a second year —- окончить второй курс the railway is not completed yet —- постройка железной дороги еще не закончена the army completed a successful attack on the enemy citadel —- армия завершила успешный штурм крепости противника 5. укомплектовать I need one more volume to complete my set of Dickens's works —- мне нужен еще один том, чтобы укомплекттовать собранние сочинений Диккенса 6....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. прил. 1) законченный, завершенный 2) укомплектованный, полный • - complete a form - complete a sale - complete and accurate information - complete budget - complete data - complete delivery - complete elimination method - complete engineering - complete examination - complete facility - complete failure - complete functional assemblies - complete indexation - complete liquidation - complete plant - complete plants - complete product - complete shipment - complete test - complete the contract Syn: entire, integral 2. гл. 1) заканчивать, завершать 2) комплектовать, пополнять 3) дополнять, восполнять Syn: finish, finalize, package ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выполнять; завершать; заканчивать 2) комплектовать, укомплектовывать 3) полный, законченный, завершённый 4) совершенный, абсолютный in comlete with — в комлекте с to complete the square — дополнять до полного квадрата to complete weld — завершить сварной шов - absolutely complete - algebraically complete - almost complete - boundedly complete - conditionally complete - countably complete - deductively complete - equationally complete - essentially complete - essentially complete - existentially complete - formally complete - fully complete - functionally complete - geodesically complete - holomorphically complete - left complete - locally complete - lower complete - metrically complete - model complete - monotonically complete - partially complete - projectively complete - quasiequationally complete - rationally complete - relatively complete - replica complete - right complete - semantically complete - sequentially complete - simply complete - spherically complete - strongly complete - syntactically complete - tautologically complete - topologically complete - uniformly complete - weakly complete ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) завершать, заканчивать завершённый, законченный 2) комплектовать укомплектованный ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & v. --adj. 1 having all its parts; entire (the set is complete). 2 finished (my task is complete). 3 of the maximum extent or degree (a complete surprise; a complete stranger). 4 (also compleat after Walton's Compleat Angler) joc. accomplished (the complete horseman). --v.tr. 1 finish. 2 a make whole or perfect. b make up the amount of (completes the quota). 3 fill in the answers to (a questionnaire etc.). 4 (usu. absol.) Law conclude a sale of property. Phrases and idioms complete with having (as an important accessory) (comes complete with instructions). Derivatives completely adv. completeness n. completion n. Etymology: ME f. OF complet or L completus past part. of complere fill up ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; -est)  Etymology: Middle English complet, from Latin completus, from past participle of complere  Date: 14th century  1.  a. having all necessary parts, elements, or steps a ~ diet  b. having all four sets of floral organs  c. of a subject or predicate including modifiers, complements, or objects  2. brought to an end ; concluded a ~ period of time  3. highly proficient a ~ artist  4.  a. fully carried out ; thorough a ~ renovation  b. total, absolute ~ silence  c. of a football pass legally caught  5. of insect metamorphosis characterized by the occurrence of a pupal stage between the motile immature stages and the adult — compare in~ 1b  6. of a metric space having the property that every Cauchy sequence of elements converges to a limit in the space  Synonyms: see full  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  • completive adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; completing)  Date: 15th century  1. to bring to an end and especially into a perfected state ~ a painting  2.  a. to make whole or perfect its song ~s the charm of this bird  b. to mark the end of a rousing chorus ~s the show  c. execute, fulfill ~ a contract  3. to carry out (a forward pass) successfully  Synonyms: see close ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (completes, completing, completed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use complete to emphasize that something is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be. The rebels had taken complete control... It shows a complete lack of understanding by management... The resignation came as a complete surprise... He was the complete opposite of Raymond. = total, absolute ? partial ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis • completely Dozens of flats had been completely destroyed... ...something completely different. = totally ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj/adv 2. You can use complete to emphasize that you are referring to the whole of something and not just part of it. A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground... The job sheets eventually filled a complete book. = entire, whole ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 3. If something is complete, it contains all the parts that it should contain. The list may not be complete. ...a complete dinner service... ADJ • completeness ...the accuracy and completeness of the information obtained. N-UNCOUNT 4. To complete a set or group means to provide the last item that is needed to make it a full set or group. ...the stickers needed to complete the collection. VERB: no cont, V n 5. The complete works of a writer are all their books or poems published together in one book or as a set of books. ...the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If one thing comes complete with another, it has that thing as an extra or additional part. The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen. PREP-PHRASE: PREP n 7. If something is complete, it has been finished. The work of restoring the farmhouse is complete... It’ll be two years before the process is complete. ? incomplete ADJ: v-link ADJ 8. If you complete something, you finish doing, making, or producing it. Peter Mayle has just completed his first novel. ...the rush to get the stadiums completed...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 a word used to emphasize that a quality you are describing is as great or extreme as possible  (Their engagement came as a complete surprise to me. | The police were in complete control of the situation. | a complete idiot/failure/wimp etc)  (I felt a complete fool.) 2 having all parts, details, facts etc included and with nothing missing  (The captain ordered a complete baggage check. | Buy one of those plates every month until your collection is complete. | The party didn't seem complete without Clare. | the complete works of (=a book or books containing every play, story or poem by a particular person))  (the complete works of Shakespeare) 3 finished  (The work on the new building is nearly complete.) 4 complete with having equipment or features  (The house comes complete with swimming pool and sauna.) 5 the complete footballer/host etc someone who is good at all parts of an activity  (Best's vision and ball control made him the complete footballer.) - completeness n ~2 v 1 to finish doing something especially when it has taken a long time  (The students have just completed their course. | The building took two years to complete.) 2 to make something whole or perfect by adding what is missing  (This exercise involves completing sentences. | He only needs one more stamp to complete his collection. | complete a form/questionnaire (=give information that is needed)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1384, from O.Fr. complet "full," from L. completus, pp. of complere "to fill up," from com- intensive prefix + plere "to fill." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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